In hunting practice, hunting collars for dogs are very useful tools to educate the animal and locate it, even in impervious areas. Armeria Brignoli knows that focusing attention on the hunter alone is not enough. It is necessary to take care of his most faithful companion: the dog.
Anyone who has a trained dog for hunting is aware that the animal needs a special hunting collar, which does not get in the way or create danger during sport. In fact, the dog must be free to run among the trees and shrubs. For this reason, hunting collars must have specific characteristics that allow to free the animal if it finds itself entangled. These collars are made of resistant and elastic materials and must adhere to the neck without excessively forcing the dog to free himself and not get hurt if he finds himself entangled.
The hunting collars on sale on this site are produced by renowned leading companies in the hunting accessories industry, including Canicom, Sportdog, Multisound and Garmin. Hunting collars are divided into three categories: GPS collars, which allow you to follow the animal anywhere, beeper collars, designed to allow the hunter to locate the dog when it is stationary, looking for or when it deems necessary and last but not least educational collars.